I saw that you mention tax amounts for each tax rates at the bottom of template.
In Italy we need to do the same since we can sell different items with different tax rates.
For example:
item1 description1 quantity1 unitprice1 total1 taxrateA
item2 description2 quantity2 unitprice2 total2 taxrateA
item3 description3 quantity3 unitprice3 total3 taxrateB
item4 description4 quantity4 unitprice4 total4 taxrateC
Where taxrateA, taxrateB and taxrateC can be like:
taxrateA -> percentage 4,00 & description "VAT 4%"
taxrateB -> percentage 10,00 & description "VAT 10%"
taxrateC -> percentage 22,00 & description "VAT 22%"
Do you think we can add tax description for each item ? Lite this:
Sku Description Qty UnitPrice NetAmount TaxDescription TaxRate
M01 Milk 12 10,00 120,00 IVA 4% 4%
W02 Water 10 7,00 70,00 IVA 10% 10%
B07 Spaghetti 8 8,00 64,00 IVA 22% 22%
Thank you very much for your cooperation.
Kindest regards
Giuseppe Solina