Restore/Import InvoicePlane Data From SQL Backup File to New Installation


This note explains how to restore your Invoice Plane data from a .sql backup file.
The import will be done using the mysql command line client.


To do this restore, you need your .sql backup file from before the failure or from the original database.You need to have a running mysql server with a database and username/password pair granted all privileges to all tables on that database for invoiceplane to use. These details are entered into InvoicePlane during the setup wizard.


  1. Install fresh installation of InvoicePlane as per ā€œGetting Startedā€ section in the wiki
  2. Do the initial setup of InvoicePlane to make the database. You should end up at the login page for InvoicePlane in your browser.
  3. Open a terminal and get your .sql backup file. gunzip it if it is a .sql.gz file.
  4. Import the SQL data using the following command on the command line:
    mysql -u username -p databasename < invoiceplane_backup_file.sql
  5. ā€˜usernameā€™ - the username to access the database (that you enter into the InvoicePlane setup)
    ā€˜databasenameā€™ - the name of the database (that you enter into the InvoicePlane setup)
    You will be prompted for a password. This is the password to access the database (that you enter into the InvoicePlane setup)

You should now be able to log into InvoicePlane like it is your previous installation with all your data restored.