Print Receipts for Customer


A customer has just made a payment and I logged the payment manually into the system, is there a way to print receipts or has that not been developed yet?

If not, is there a way to add payment date and payment method onto the PDF?

Thank you in advance



If you are talking about “Fully Paid” invoices, you can use the default “Paid” invoice which shows the payment as complete (creates a receipt, with a zero balance showing). It also shows the payment method (you can specify additional Payment Options in Settings > Payment Methods).

For “Partial Payments”, I have had to create a separate invoice template, listing a “Part Payment”, and shows the outstanding balance. I modified the standard “Paid” template in v1.4.4 to achieve this.

Hope this helps!


The best way to print a receipt is to go to the invoice you want to have printed, click Options next to it, then click “download PDF”. The icon next to it is a little printer. Once you have done this, you can open and (of course) print the document. It’s not a one-click process, but it will generate a nice looking printout as compared to CTRL+P. You may also email the receipt if you have set up your smtp server.


Thank you both for the replies, I clicked download PDF and now shots the balance as 0 and the shows the payment method

Is there a way to show payment date at all on the paid invoice?

That would be a very useful feature (printing payments date and amount on paid invoice).

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I am going to attempt to hard code the payment date in myself, what file do I need to amend for the invoice template?

I found the file in application/modules/invoices/views/view.php and added the extra input field but can’t get the payment date, I have the following under due date but it messes the layout up

<div class="invoice-properties has-feedback">
                                <label>Payment date</label>

                                <div class="input-group">
                                    <input name="payment_date" id="payment_date"
                                           class="form-control datepicker"
                                           value="<?php echo date_from_mysql($invoice->payment_date); ?>"
                                        <?php if ($invoice->is_read_only == 1) {
                                            echo 'disabled="disabled"';
                                        } ?>>
	                                <span class="input-group-addon">
	                                    <i class="fa fa-calendar fa-fw"></i>