Modal Form To Page

Hi there,

I have customised the platform, placing a footer area and am having problems with the modal create invoice and create quote. Is there an easy way to make these forms appear in a new page instead of a popup?

Thanks for any help in advance.

I’m not sure bet I bet that you would have to change a lot of core code which is not recommended.

Hi Kovah thank for the speedy reply and a massive congrats on such a well produced cms. I have corrected all problems now, The only thing I am having issue with and I’ve also tested this on a fresh install with no mods is that the it does not update saved contacts immediately nor does it save large chunks custom code placed into the email templates. Normal text is fine.


Any update?


You would have to post some of the code you want to insert in the mail templates.
For the client problem any logs regarding the saving is needed.


@mccshane how did you manage to make the create modal popup work?
