InvoicePlane v1.2.1 released

A new release of the InvoicePlane application is available: v1.2.1 with some enhancements and bug fixes.
The complete list of changes can be found in the Changelog.

You can download the latest version from the InvoicePlane website.

Important: Configure the read-only mode

There were some problems with the new read-only mode so we enhanced InvoicePlane. After updating the app please open the invoice settings and check the “Set the Invoice to read-only on” option:

Choose on which status an invoice should changed to read-only which could be Sent, Viewed or Paid.

Disable the read-only mode

If you want to disable invoices to be set to read-only, open the file /application/config/config.php and change $config['disable_read_only'] = FALSE; to $config['disable_read_only'] = TRUE;.

New default languages

InvoicePlane now ships with some new languages by default so you just have to set the language in the settings - no need to download anything!
These languages are available besides of English:

  • Chinese Simplified
  • Czech
  • Estonian
  • French
  • German
  • Italian
  • Portuguese, Brazilian
  • Spanish (ES)
  • Swedish

Custom CSS in PDF templates

The /assets/default/css/custom.css file is now included in all PDF templates so you can include your own custom CSS styles in the templates without changing the template itself. All styles you add to the custom.css will not be overwritten on updates.

Support for SVG logos

The login and invoice logo can now be a .svg file.


This is great. Thank you!