Invoice not saving the fields


I’m tryng to create an invoice but when I enter everything and save the invoice is blank but when I view it from invoice it has information, but when I try to open it so that I edit it, it’s blank.

Can anyone assist, I have a problem when saving, or updating invoice, quotes or clients details. The system does not save instantly, it keeps the old details if im updating and also no new data shows if i’m creating. The changes only take effect after some hours or so.

I tried everything to make it work but nothing seem to work.


Have you read this topic? Unable to generate PDF - v1.4.3

Seems like you have the same problem.

Can anyone assist, I have a problem when saving, or updating invoice, quotes or clients details. The system does not save instantly, it keeps the old details if im updating and also no new data shows if i’m creating. The changes only take effect after some hours or so.

I tried everything to make it work but nothing seem to work…

Nothing works yet, after I did that it started doing duplicate invoice everyday.

Unfortunately, I can’t pinpoint exactly what the problem is by your description.

I am willing to assist, If you can provide me your access details or create a new account for me to login and check.
Or even over teamviewer?

Please drop me a private message, if you so choose.

Thanks, will be waiting.