I will stop developing on v1 after 1.4.0 is released

So this is it :smiley: 1.4 has been released so that means V2 is just around the corner. Quite exciting to see this kind of speedy development. Well done and I’m looking forward to future versions. Have a great day!

Well v2 is not around the corner.
The setup is not even finished.

Doesn’t matter, at least now full focus can be invested in v2 because we don’t have any inbetween-versions anymore. :smiley:

Wait, didn’t i read wrong? When someone else develops some changes there can be several later iterations of v1? I mean looking at the developer road it states that 1.4.1 is planned in 2 weeks, 1.5.0 should come with a completed tasks function e.t.c.?

Yes that’s right.
But I will not work on new features on my own. For example the task / project feature is developed by @cz_vilda

Just wanted to let you know: I got 1.4 running on IIS w/ SqlServer. Had to jump through some hoops, but it can be done and I’m actually using it right now.

I understand that this is not a high priority prerequisite, but you might bear in mind that some constructs will obstruct this possibility, like literal dbqueries. I saw you moved from CodeIgniter to Laravel, which also facilitates sqlsrv.

So I’m looking forward to v2 :slight_smile: