Hide "Discount" Tab

Hi guys !

First of all thanks for everything, Invoiceplane is really amazing, i’m using it everyday for my business.

I just updated mine to 1.4.4 and noticed a Discount tab. Is there a way to hide it or remove it ? I haven’t seen any option or something else to do this.


Hi !

Happy to seen your post, I was looking for the same question, I wont use the discount tab if I didn’t do a discount.

So if someone know how we can remove it, I will very appreciate it :smile:

Thanks !

Where? Do you mean the PDF or the invoice edit screen?

In the PDF file, i’ve found a temporary way to hide it by removing the lines mentioning discount in the template php file

Yes that’s it. Just remove the corresponding lines.

Thanks for this help, but if we need to add discount, is it possible to add this possibilities on the futur release ?

Just to show or not the discount on the invoice when we need it.

Thanks !

I think it should be possible that another updated template will be available later. I added an issue report: https://development.invoiceplane.com/browse/IP-356

Thanks Kovah !!