Considerer another tool for translations?

Crowdin is a great platform for translations, but IMHO is too big for this project and it becomes without integration with GIT. There are a bunch of tools which provide this kind of integration, some of them opensource, like Weblate.
Also would be great consider .po files for different languages. This way, should be easier to include translations with the original code.

Feel free to post any tools you recommend.

But there is no possibility to use .po files as we use CodeIgniter which has its own translation engine.

Personally, I’d go for this one:

I’d rather stick to Crowdin. Git support is imho expendable. I do like the feature completeness of Crowdin. Especially in-context translation looks good - want to integrate this in v2.

Take a look to Pootle also, but if you really like Crowdin, then better stick to it.

Thanks and keep doing a great job!

Will do. We’re always open to suggestions :slight_smile:

Thanks too!