Add read only user (all clients)

This could be useful in order to give access to the accountant or the administrative person to fill up the taxes, but the user shouldn’t be able to change anything, just see all the invoices and/or quotes.

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[size=10]Last Update: 01.05.2015 (added to issue tracker)[/size]

I see that “read only” user already exist but its access is limited only to selected customers.
It needs to be easy to give it access to all the customers quotes/invoices.
Now you have to add access everytime you create a new customer. :frowning:

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The read-only user is not to be meant to have access to all customers. It’s more an additional account you can give to your customer itself so he can access all of his own quotes / invoices…

Yeah, I know, but something like a check “access to all clients” should give easily access to everybody (even new ones created after this ‘guest’ user) which also allows to give access permissions (but not to modify) to 3rd parties.

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