Recuring invoice : still problem with 1.5.4


Since IP 1.5.3 (if I remember), my recurring invoices are stop working well.
In fact, there are not working at all :smiley:
Instead, each day, after the cron is launched, an old recurring invoice is created on IP and I have to remove it by hand.
And the legitimate recurring invoices are not created.

I though an update to 1.5.4 solve the issue, but no :frowning:

Here my last invoiceplane log :

The apache log is not significant during cronjob : - - [13/Sep/2017:22:24:24 +0200] "GET /invoices/cron/recur/tDFl**QIkjH7**UvkoR3 HTTP/1.0" 200 802 "-" "Wget/1.15 (linux-gnu)"

The cronjob is running at 00:10 each day
I’m running IP on Ubuntu Trusty (14.04 LTS) with PHP 5.6.31

I have read almost all topic on this recurring invoice problem, without finding issue…
I can give you any more information if needed, or I can try any tip missed on another topic…

Try php 7. This is the recommended version.

Last line of your error log:

ERROR - 2017-09-13 22:24:24 → Wrong cron key provided!

It was a test at 22:24, not the result of the cronjob which has the right key.
I also had regenerate the key.

I’ll see if I can upgrade to PHP 7.0.

I’ll come back if the problem is still occurs :slight_smile:

OK done !
There is good news : the “gost” recurring invoices disappears after upgrade to PHP 7 (I had to remove them manually before) !
But now I have to confirm than regular recurring invoices appearing well on the right date.

I will keep it touch :slight_smile:

Okay, if it’s working with PHP7 it’s related to the issue that was posted in the release thread: InvoicePlane 1.5.4 released

The latest version only works fine with PHP 7

So it’s not solved now.

Here the log during the cron call :

DEBUG - 2017-09-15 11:25:09 --> UTF-8 Support Enabled
DEBUG - 2017-09-15 11:25:09 --> Global POST, GET and COOKIE data sanitized
DEBUG - 2017-09-15 11:25:09 --> Cron MX_Controller Initialized
DEBUG - 2017-09-15 11:25:09 --> Config file loaded: /home/me/web/invoiceplane.domain.tld/public_html/application/config/invoice_plane.php
DEBUG - 2017-09-15 11:25:09 --> Encryption: Auto-configured driver 'openssl'.
DEBUG - 2017-09-15 11:25:09 --> File loaded: /home/me/web/invoiceplane.domain.tld/public_html/application/modules/settings/models/Mdl_settings.php
DEBUG - 2017-09-15 11:25:09 --> File loaded: /home/me/web/invoiceplane.domain.tld/public_html/application/controllers/../modules/layout/controllers/Layout.php
DEBUG - 2017-09-15 11:25:09 --> Layout MX_Controller Initialized
DEBUG - 2017-09-15 11:25:09 --> File loaded: /home/me/web/invoiceplane.domain.tld/public_html/application/modules/invoices/models/Mdl_invoices_recurring.php
DEBUG - 2017-09-15 11:25:09 --> File loaded: /home/me/web/invoiceplane.domain.tld/public_html/application/modules/invoices/models/Mdl_invoices.php
DEBUG - 2017-09-15 11:25:09 --> File loaded: /home/me/web/invoiceplane.domain.tld/public_html/application/modules/invoice_groups/models/Mdl_invoice_groups.php
DEBUG - 2017-09-15 11:25:09 --> File loaded: /home/me/web/invoiceplane.domain.tld/public_html/application/modules/invoices/models/Mdl_items.php
ERROR - 2017-09-15 11:25:09 --> Severity: Notice --> Undefined property: CI::$mdl_invoice_tax_rates /home/me/web/invoiceplane.domain.tld/public_html/vendor/codeigniter/framework/system/core/Model.php 77
ERROR - 2017-09-15 11:25:09 --> Severity: error --> Exception: Call to a member function where() on null /home/me/web/invoiceplane.domain.tld/public_html/application/modules/invoices/models/Mdl_invoices.php 252

No idea about this error ?

Could you post more information what tax rates are set for this particular invoice? Which ones are used and which settings are enabled?

I don’t use at all the tax system… Everything is disabled on the system settings…

Near the line 77 of vendor/codeigniter/framework/system/core/Model.php there is this comment :

            // Debugging note:
            //      If you're here because you're getting an error message
            //      saying 'Undefined Property: system/core/Model.php', it's
            //      most likely a typo in your model code.

What do you mean by “a typo in your model code” ?

This does not directly apply for InvoicePlane.

I will check this later. Either it’s a typo or somehow the property $mdl_invoice_tax_rates is not available at this time.

ok thanks :slight_smile:

Any news ? Because this bug is a little bit annoying : my recurring invoices doesn’t work for a long time now :frowning:

Sorry but I have no time to work on InvoicePlane lately.

@Developers or @Contributors could anyone take a look at this?

Corresponding ticket is IP-577

I have exact the same issue.

PHP7, just updated to 1.5.4 to see if the issue is there - unfortunately it is :frowning:

When calling the cron directly in the browser i get the same error as @Spheerys:
Message: Undefined property: CI::$mdl_invoice_tax_rates

And every time the cron runs a empty invoice is generated for a recurring invoice i already deleted…


PS: i tried renaming the tax rate in preferences, because of “%”-character. This was mentioned in the Ticket IP-577. But the problem persists.

I’m happy to see I’m not alone with this issue !
If you find a workaround before the official resolution, I’m interested :slight_smile:

I have the same issue, ANY UPDATES?

This issue because the field ip_invoice_items.item_is_recurring is null when create invoice, I changed it manually to 1 in database and the recurring working OK.

How to set this field when creating an invoice?

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