Export data as XML with UBL 2.1 Schema


No problem to show you my coding but…
I am by no means a real developer but I like to find things out and improve where necessary. That’s why I have my adjustments built on a local wamp server instance and not (yet) on github.
Can you show me how to setup and configure github on Windows for InvoicePlane webdevelopment?
In short what did I do:

  1. I have eliminated the global ‘pdf zugferd’ setting.
  2. In the client setting I added a UBL dropdown-menu. See 1ste screenshot in item # 9.
  3. At the same time I added a “contacts field” (for departments or personal names) to the client and user setting because that was lacking in my opinion.
  4. As you can see also (other screenshots - red arrow) in the same item #9 I added some client settings in the invoice view page, e.g. contact, UBL version, VAT Id.
  5. The two screenshots shows a UBL efff version (external file) and a Zugferd version (included in the PDF).
  6. I also (instead of the menu-item ‘Download PDF’) created a ‘View PDF’ menu-item that displays the invoice PDF file in a modal window on the same webpage.
  7. Finally, as described in item # 11 I have made adjustments to ‘phpmailer_helper.php’ so that the pdf invoice and the external UBL-file (if available) are automatically added to the email.

    // Add the attachment if supplied
    if ($attachment_path && $CI->mdl_settings->setting(‘email_pdf_attachment’)) {
    $attachfile = pathinfo($attachment_path);
    // check the date prefix: ‘2017-02-01’_ == today, then strip, copy and attach the new file)
    if ( substr($attachfile[‘filename’], 0, 10) == date(‘Y-m-d’) ){
    $filename = $attachfile[‘dirname’].’/’.substr_replace($attachfile[‘filename’], ‘’, 0, 11);
    copy($attachment_path, $filename.’.pdf’);
    if (file_exists($filename.’.xml’)) {