Incorrect decimal value

Do you get the exact same error?
Query error: Incorrect decimal value: '' for column 'invoice_discount_amount' at row 1
What exactly do you enter on the discount fields?

With the error i never nothing it works if I enter value 0

You did not fix the other query errors I gave.

ERROR - 2015-06-22 12:38:41 --> Query error: Incorrect decimal value: ‘’ for column ‘item_discount_amount’ at row 1
This one happens if you do not fill in the discount field on the item.

A workaround i’ve been using with Chrome: (same should work in other other’s with dev tools available).

After entering a value for “Discount %”, right click on “Discount $” and remove the “disabled” attribute from the input element, then you can enter a 0 for that field as well.


This one was still never fixed. I just upgraded to the latest release. and still an issue. Can you fix this tiny error?

Related topic: Incorrect decimal value: '' for column 'item_discount_amount' at row 1 DEBU

Issue reopened: