Please someone make a Video of installation this helps people like me

Hello Everyone Please Someone Make A Video of installation.

The wiki tutorial is very straight forward. If you have any issues with the setup, just post in here or refer to other issues similar to your posted in the past and they will be resolved.

No video yet, but I wouldn’t mind making one when I get some free time.

However, here is a step by step setup as I just did it.


Please review the Wiki slowly. Although it may seem confusing at first, it’s actually not when you get it working.

  1. Download the latest version of Invoice Plane from the DOWNLOADS page.
  2. Extract the contents of the download to an easy to find directory on your desktop.
  3. Create a database and a user with admin privileges for that database for Invoice Plane.
  4. Decide whether you are going to set up Invoice Plane in your websites root directory or a sub-directory.

If you are choosing the root directory of your website, please continue onto SECTION 2.
If you are choosing to to set up Invoice Plane in a sub-directory, please proceed to SECTION 3…


  1. Use an FTP client of your liking (I use FileZilla) to upload the contents of the root directory of the extracted folder. (Some of the contents should include but are not limited to; __MACOSX, application, assets, system, upload, and a few files (etc)).
  2. Once the files have uploaded, you will need to open your browser of choice, and browse to your website with the sub-directory of /setup at the end. Example: OR if you have chosen to run Invoice Plane in a sub-directory, it would look like similar to what you created in SECTION 3.
  3. Follow the setup pages and enter in the appropriate information as needed.


Let’s say you’ve chose to run Invoice Plane in a sub-directory named Invoices on your website:

  1. Edit the .httaccess file that is in the root directory of the extracted download with your favorite text file editor. (I use Notepad++)
  2. Add the sub-directory to the .httaccess file. Your .httaccess file would look similar to this. (/Invoices is in bold as that is the location you

Original .httaccess file contents:

RewriteEngine on
RewriteBase /sub-directory
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteRule . index.php

Edited .httaccess contents:

RewriteEngine on
RewriteBase /Invoices
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteRule . index.php

  1. Save the edited .httaccess and proceed to SECTION 2.

I hope this helps. If there are any mistakes, please let me know and I can correct it.

@bigtt and @shepscrook Thanks For your walkthrough i want to instal in sub-directory only but i dont know how to create a database and a user with admin privileges in godaddy can anyone help in this ? sorry i am a champ…

@shepscrook if you are planing for a video its a great step… and if you do you will be a Neil Armstrong for invoiceplane :wink:

I don’t have GoDaddy hosting. However, this might help you.

As well as this.

Well, if I like something that I am using, I try to help out as much as possible.

sure thx a lot i wil try and if i get any issue i will ping you :slight_smile:

Hello all.
New to invoiceplane as well as to this forum.
I followed all instructions but no matter what, I get a 404. requested url Not Found.
I checked and checked again but to no avail.
Anything I’d missed?
Thank you

You will need to provide much more information than that @Nobby_Why. Otherwise it is anyone’s guess what the problem is,

At least show your config (without usernames and passwords and domain info you want to hide) and the actual URL you are using.

Then, if possible, show what the log files are telling you.

A new thread was opened and a little later on resolved: the file permissions on the CentOS server needed to be checked and that resolved the problem